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The younger toddler room is specifically designed to promote social and physical development.  At this age, the children are very curious and like to experiment with all of their senses.  They are learning how to be independent and developing a sense of self-identity.  The room is set up to encourage exploration and to enhance developmental growth.  They are learning how to interact with peers and begin engaging themselves in parallel play.  The toddler activities include singing, dancing, language, reading stories, and painting, daily.  The young toddler room has their own playground adjacent to their classroom, they go outside twice daily, weather permitting.  


Large and Fine Motor Skills:


In the young toddler room, your child will develop his or her large muscle movement by exercising his or her ability to run and walk, changing speed and direction as needed, bending over to pick up objects, climbing up and down stairs on the bridge, and jumping with both feet.


Fine motor skills will further develop by practicing building towers with blocks and legos, turning pages of books, drinking from a child-sized cup, placing shapes in the shape sorter, and placing wooden puzzle pieces in a puzzle. 


Social Development: 


Young toddlers will develop their ability to interact and communicate with adults and peers by naming and greeting familiar faces, helping teachers clean up after activities, singing along with teachers, engaging in parallel play with one or two friends, sharing toys with peers, and interacting with peers while engaging in a similar activity. 


Language and Literacy Development:


Children will develop their ability to understand words and use and enhance their vocabulary by being asked where an object is and finding it, responding when asked a question, knowing the names of familiar objects, laughing when they feel something is funny, being able to point to familiar body parts when asked, and speak simple phrases when talking. 



The older toddler room is designed to promote social and physical development.  The older toddler class participates in singing, dancing, language, reading stories, and painting everyday.  They have their very own playground adjacent to their classroom, they go outside twice a day, weather permitting. Older toddlers are also introduced and supported for potty training in this program!


Cognitive Development:


Older toddlers develop their understanding of cause-and-effect by predicting what could happen and what caused something to occur, being aware of a parent leaving and a peer feeling sad, rolling cars down a track, and pushing and pulling objects.  Children will also learn how objects move and fit into spaces, such as, putting puzzles together, stacking rings from largest to smallest, placing pegs onto a pegboard, and putting nesting cups in the correct order.  


Children will develop their ability to engage in pretend play.  Pretending to feed a baby doll a bottle, playing with play food and dishes, building pretend trains and cars, and creating buildings and towers with blocks.  


Emotional Development: 


Toddlers further develop relationships with their teachers and peers by feeling comfortable to explore the world around them, engaging in play away from their teacher but close enough to feel comforted if needed, give facial expressions and eye contact to express feelings and emotions.  




The older toddler classroom participates in Zumba once a week. Zumba is offered to all children enrolled in the classroom at no extra charge.  Zumba is a fitness program that involves dance and aerobic movements to energetic music, allowing children to follow along with the instructor's movements.  Not only is Zumba a fun way to get a full body exercise, it improves coordination, strengthens the core, and increases confidence!



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